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Purposes served

Purposes Multimodal Hubs serve

Multimodal and multifunctional hubs/hotel could serve multiple purposes, which can be described as follows:

Organisation/optimisation of passenger and freight flows

Through the provision of good connectivity between transport networks for ensuring safe interchanges and reliable transfers for both passengers and goods. Scarcity of urban spaces requires to integrate uses.

Services provision

One can distinguish between enabling services and supporting services. Enabling services encompass those services linked to the access to different transport modes.

Through the provision of supporting services, the hub allows for services such as bike repair, battery swapping, facilities for cargo bike riders etc.

Besides, services can enhance the attractiveness of the area for both users and neighbourhood residents. Social services, administrative services, restaurant or catering services can be complementary in hubs.

Urban redevelopment/regeneration of an area

The creation of safe and well-designed walking and bicycle routes and the improvement of open public spaces is key to achieving a high level of accessibility and attractivity that will encourage the hub’s use. It is crucial to embed the mobility dimension and the provision of well-integrated mobility service in urban redevelopment projects, the regeneration of an area as those projects lead to new economic impulses, new movements of people, new uses of space and thus potential new mobility behaviours.

Accessibility for all

Through the provision of services that cover all users’ categories needs and requirements, including disability groups.

Promotion and information on sustainable travel

Through the provision of sustainable, safe, attractive and accessible travel features, that will increase the use of alternative transport modes and promote their uptake. Information provision and wayfinding is another key feature of hubs.


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