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Multimodal Hubs digitalisation-Consideration aspects

There are many Multimodal Hubs digitalization aspects that should be taken into account as described below:

Services’ provision

While designing a multimodal hub, users’ needs and requirements should be considered to improve travel experience and make their lives easier. Moreover, cargo transfer procedures should be simplified for time and cost savings. The provision of digital solutions and tools such as:

Travel Information

Charging points

Digital Logistics Platforms


Digital Interactive Walls

Battery Swapping

upgrades the level of services overall, for both passengers and freight.

Flow management optimisation

Passenger flows have to be managed properly within a multimodal hub to avoid the creation of bottlenecks and overcrowded waiting areas and to identify under-utilized areas. Free Wi-Fi provision combined with Global System for Mobile Communication data (GSM) is a useful solution as it allows the analysis of human flows leading to accurate modeling.

Data management

Another key issue in multimodal hubs’ design and operation is data management under a digital spectrum, allowing information to be shared easily and directly. The collection and analysis of users’ needs, expectations, complaints, and travel patterns can be essentially useful for allowing third parties (local authorities, transport operators, freight companies, etc.) to provide specialized services for all user categories. However, data sharing should be anonymized and strictly regulated following GDPR rules.

Building up and leading an ecosystem of applications and services

Taking advantage of the low cost of digital services development, multimodal hub operators can provide more services, increasing the hub’s visitation. However, a balance should be ensured when setting up an ecosystem of services and applications, as not all applications suit multimodal hub functionalities.


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