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Main Objective

The main objective of MOVE21 is to transform European cities and functional urban areas into climate neutral, connected multimodal urban nodes for smart and clean mobility and logistics. This is done by adopting an integrated approach in which all urban systems are connected, and which addresses both goods and passenger transport together. As a result, MOVE21 improves efficiency, capacity utilisation, accessibility and innovation capacity in urban nodes and functional urban areas.

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Specific Objectives

The following specific objectives support the main objective: 

  • Test, deploy, replicate & upscale zero emission solutions through co-creation
  • Combine technological & non-technological innovations to facilitate effective implementation
  • Increase liveability in European cities by focusing on social cohesion, identity and transport and health equity
  • Increase coordination, collaboration & data sharing between urban nodes on the Scan-Med corridor
  • Maximise uptake of solutions through ambitious replication, uptake & dissemination activities


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