The City of Oslo
To carry out management, coordination and reporting activities in the Project in order to:
Institute of Transport Economics
To ensure the project adheres to:
HafenCity University Hamburg
To hone the Project’s sensitivity towards the social context of the Project and its content, impacts and the implications of upscaling mobility innovations by:
RISE Research Institutes of Sweden AB
To analyse governance and governance related aspects which affect the ability to deploy proposed solutions:
To ensure that the Project has access to relevant technological solutions and infrastructure for deployment:
Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research
To ensure that the Living Labs apply the same methodology and principles when designing activities and proposed solutions. The cities will be in the lead for establishing Living Labs and each will experiment with mobility and logistics innovations through Innovation Co-creation Partnerships, improve innovation capacity, and develop policies to support the take up of innovations in each city:
To work with replication cities and potential take-up cities to increase the project impact and create learning arenas for two-way knowledge exchange:
CERTH – The Centre for Research & Technology, Hellas
To evaluate the project, its results and impacts in order to:
RISE Research Institutes of Sweden AB
To ensure that the Project exploits the obtained results in the best possible way by:
The City of Oslo
The objective is to ensure compliance with the ‘ethics requirements’ set out in this work package.
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