Register to the e-course on innovation capacity in local authorities on urban mobility

In the past decennia cities are increasingly facing complex societal challenges such as rapid urbanisation, climate change and the mobility transition. Public organizations are experiencing a lot of difficulties when trying to cope with these complex societal challenges, therefore we argue that addressing them demands new ways of working, the capacity to engage manifold stakeholders and favourable institutional frameworks. For municipalities to be able to implement these new ways of working and facilitate innovation requires the organizations themselves to innovate and transform their capacities, to improve the organizational structure and its services.

In this course you will learn more about the concept of innovation capacity and how it can help your organization to facilitate innovation within and with the city. According to the OECD, innovation capacity refers to the human, financial and institutional resources and skills that can catalyse, implement and promote innovative, collaborative, long-term bottom-up solutions. Additionally, innovation capacity can be defined as a set of conditions that support innovation or provide a supportive infrastructure that either allows for innovation to happen or hinders it. The need for innovation in the public sector is recognized more and more to improve services, products and policies to create public value. As a result of increasing complexity in handling (sustainability) transitions and challenges, the innovation capacity of cities needs to increase.


















Based on various research projects TNO Vector has developed a framework for innovation capacity in public organizations. The elements that emerge in that framework are: leadership, organization, knowledge management, network and learning. We believe that this framework helps with offering an insight in strengths and bottlenecks regarding your city’s innovation capacity and therefore also identifying opportunities for improvement. Based on our experience with various cities we provide you with this online course that offers theoretical background into the concept, insight in commonly found challenges and strategies to address those, and guidance towards formulating and setting the first steps in improving your city’s innovation capacity.

The learning objective of this course is to understand the concept of innovation capacity and its theoretical background. To articulate the barriers that organisations face in their daily work and find ways to overcome them. To learn how to better communicate about innovation capacity within the organisation by expressing actions and needs. And finally, to develop an action plan on how to increase the innovation capacity of the organisation.

Registration is open until 20 December here.

“Even with years of experience in urban mobility innovation, working on innovation capacity in this way offered surprising value. The real benefit wasn’t just in the tools or frameworks but in the exchange of ideas and shared experiences with participating colleagues from the city. Discussing common frustrations, understanding resistance, and learning from each other’s successes and failures created a sense of camaraderie and safety that has carried over into our daily work. This strengthened innovation capacity will play a key role as we continue working towards a climate-neutral city.” – Suzanne Green Project Manager, City of Gothenburg



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