Proceedings of the conference “Planning urban and trans-European mobility together”

The new EU TEN-T regulation of 2024 outlines a set of novel requirements that 431 European cities are expected to fulfil. Among others, these include the adoption of Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs) and the development of multimodal passenger hubs and freight terminals. Fulfilling the ambitions in the revised TEN-T Directive poses new challenges and opportunities for European cities.

MOVE21 invited European cities designated as urban nodes in the new TEN-T regulation and mobility professionals to discuss challenges and opportunities in Oslo on 22-23 April 2024. The event, titled “Planning urban and trans-European mobility together” was hosted by the City of Oslo and co-organised by the City of Oslo, Eurocities and POLIS.

© Rikke Dahl Monsen / City of Oslo

A fundamental question for the conference was:

What collaborative efforts are essential along transport corridors to enhance connectivity within and between urban nodes?

An informal stocktaking among the 97 participants and the 24 cities and regions represented at the start of the conference revealed concerns about multi-level governance and legal administration. About 15% of the attending urban nodes are in the process of taking action on the new TEN-T regulation while the majority are still untangling what needs to be done and by which administration at which level of government.

Below you can find the following material from the conference:

All the inputs and elements discussed will feed further interaction and exchanges within the future Urban Nodes Fora to be organised later in 2024-2025 and activities within the MOVE21 Scan-Med Observatory.




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