At the end of February, as part of its ongoing knowledge exchange, capacity building and replication programme, MOVE21 organised a second peer learning and study visit to Hamburg to support the replication of successful solutions.
Highlights of the event:
Welcoming remarks: The event began with greetings from Corinna Nienstedt, Director General of the Office to the State, Senate Chancellery of the City of Hamburg; Prof. Dr. Gesa Ziemer, Director City Science Lab, HafenCity University Hamburg (HCU); and Samira Lange, Head of Integrated Climate Protection Management, District of Altona, City of Hamburg.
Site visits:
Participants visited the hub at Kaltenkircher Platz and the future hub at Harkortstraße. The all-electric ride-sharing service MOIA was also presented by Christoph Ziegenmeyer and Jonas Wigger Genannt Lütke Lembeck.
Informative sessions:
Jan Kruska chaired a session on combined passenger and freight transport.
Presentations of EU projects involving Hamburg included DECARBOMILE by Christoph Petry, Stefan Laetsch and Thorn Schütt; the MODI project by Maximilian Kamp; the MoLo Hubs project by Britta Peters; followed by a presentation on shared and micro mobility in Hamburg by Gesine Nitsios.
Peer review and feedback:
A peer review session provided structured feedback on replication progress. This session was facilitated by Eurocities and the POLIS network and featured the Cascade Cities Brașov, Sofia and Thessaloniki.
Updates from Living Labs and Replicator Cities: Updates were provided by the Living Labs Oslo, Gothenburg and Hamburg, and the Replicator Cities Munich, Bologna and Rome.
Training session:
A session on innovation capacity was facilitated by TNO, further enhancing the skills and knowledge of the participants.