Upscaling is a critical component of the MOVE21 project, ensuring that successful innovations and solutions can be expanded and implemented beyond the so-called test sites. The project features Living Labs in Oslo, Gothenburg, and Hamburg, where various multimodal and interconnected hubs for people and freight are tested and refined. These Living Labs serve as real-world environments for experimentation, allowing for the practical application and evaluation, to then aim for upscaling within the Living Lab cities. As we have succesfully been able to start on upscaling, we would like to share these best practices of the cities.
By upscaling successful solutions from these Living Labs, MOVE21 also aims to create a ripple effect, spreading innovative practices across Europe. Next to upscaling, therefore the project also will shortly publish insights on transferability potential for other urban areas to replicate the succesfully tested innovations and solutions of MOVE21.
Neighbourhood Hub Kaltenkircher Platz
At Kaltenkircher Platz, the micro-depot concept is integrated with the mobility hub concept. Existing infrastructure that supports personal mobility is also used for the logistics of the micro-depot. By improving the combination of different mobility options, the hub allows for better transitions between sustainable modes of transport.
The modular micro-depot acts as a consolidation point, receiving goods through established logistics networks and distributing them over the last mile using zero-emission cargo bikes. New mobility services at the hub include a car-sharing station, a micromobility parking zone for e-scooters, sheltered and temporary bike racks, and improved pathways that better connect to the neighbourhood and a bus stop at the test site. These are rounded off by an info-pole that informs the people about the new mobility offers and gives additional background of the concept of the hub. These improvements make it easier and more attractive for people to choose active and sustainable mobility options. In addition, a new model recycling station has been introduced at the site to collect recyclable and reusable goods, highlighting the flexibility of the multi-functional concept to incorporate additional models and services.
Modular Container Solution
In terms of upscaling, a modular container solution developed as a MOVE21 pilot project and part of the Kaltenkircher Platz Neighbourhood Hub will be taken forward in various discussion groups.These include the Ministry of Economy and Innovation, The Ministry of Transport and Mobility and transition and the further district offices in Hamburg. The aim is to explore the potential for upscaling this already successfully implemented concept and construction to other locations in Hamburg. Possible suitable locations as well as the need for model adaptations and possible barriers to implementation are part of such discussions.
An additional study is currently being prepared for tender, which will investigate how this modular container solution can integrate additional uses, what design enhancements are needed and how to increase attractiveness and acceptability. Results are expected in Q1/2025. The aim is to create design prototypes based on use cases developed with stakeholders who are already users of the neighbourhood hubs or otherwise involved in MOVE21 measures in Hamburg. The outcome should pave the way for future implementations of scalable, modular solutions that can be easily adapted to local needs and requirements. It should also take into account aesthetic requirements from an urban planning perspective and propose models that are flexible enough to be adapted for future tenders.
Ultimately, this study will also be important for ongoing discussions with the relevant ministries on city-wide adaptations, as it demonstrates the applicability of the concept in terms of multifunctionality in the city. In addition to the mobility services and the modular micro-depot solution, the Kaltenkircher Platz neighbourhood hub integrated a collection point for various recyclable wastes, the so-called EcoHHub, of the municipal waste management company Stadt Reinigung, thus demonstrating that the various uses can be successfully combined in one place, with the diverse constellation of actors and funding projects behind them.
Mobility Offerings
The combined mobility services at Kaltenkircher Platz will be evaluated for their transferability to other locations. A city-wide concept for multimodal mobility hubs is being developed in a working group (Ministry of Transport, Hochbahn, districts) with the active involvement and contribution of MOVE21 Task Force members. This concept should be discussed at ministerial level in Q1/2025.
Multifunctional Neighborhood Hub Holstenstrasse
Located in Hamburg’s Altona district, the Holstenstrasse multifunctional neighbourhood hub provides a space-efficient, climate-friendly solution for logistics and social services. The hub, which opened in February 2023, supports local residents while reducing logistics traffic and introducing sustainable practices.
The logistics services, operated by Hermes, GLS and CityLog, use electric cargo bikes to deliver goods sorted at the hub, ensuring daily operations with minimal emissions. Social services include a weekly advice kiosk and the distribution of food and basic supplies to those in need, using the hub’s kitchen and storage facilities.
It is envisaged that the hub will be extended to other housing associations and locations in the future. To this end, meetings with Bauverein der Elbgemeinden eG (BVE) and SAGA have yet to be scheduled. The aim of such a meeting with the housing associations would be to discuss the potential for scaling up the tested business model to other (vacant) buildings as a temporary or long-term solution, taking into account the local needs and interested stakeholder constellations at each possible location.
Best Practice Manual – Experiences and recommendations from MOVE21 in Hamburg
A document for local authorities and practitioners is currently being developed that will explain the measures and innovations implemented in the pilot cases in Hamburg, highlight their benefits and special features, and provide practical guidance on implementation. The text will be finalised by mid-January 2025, for distribution to other cities in March 2025 and for inclusion in the MOVE21 Hamburg local closing event in April 2025. The best practice manual will be linked to the study on modular container solutions.
Learn more about the upscaling initiatives in Oslo and Gothenburg. For detailed insights into the upscaling process within MOVE21, refer to the following documents: D3.3 Upscaling plan and transferability assessment, D4.3 Upscaling Plan and Transferability Assessment – Governance and D5.3 Technologies Upscaling and transferability assessment.