Technical workshop focused on the future Scan-Med Observatory

The MOVE21 project organised on 23 November a technical workshop (online), following the launch of the Scan-Med Observatory that took place on 12 October as an online high-level session at the European Week of Regions and Cities (EWRC) 2022. Around 30 participants joined the technical workshop and the interactive discussion that followed. During the event it was stressed the importance to keep the dialogue open between relevant stakeholders (such as cities, regions, national authorities, and other networks). The Scan-Med Observatory is a good step in this direction, as stated by Pat Cox, European Coordinator of the TEN-T Scandinavian-Mediterranean Corridor.

The main objective was to gather interested stakeholders – especially from cities and local authorities across Europe – and collect inputs and ideas about how to close the gap between the TEN-T network and urban nodes. These inputs will be taken into account in view of the definition of the Framework Plan and future activities of the Scan-Med Observatory.

Yannick Bousse (Project Officer at CINEA) and Tiina Ruohonen (City of Oslo, coordinator of the project) welcomed the participants and opened the meeting, highlighting the importance to create synergies with other initiatives and different EU programmes.

Two sessions followed and gave the opportunity toother EU-funded projects to initiatives to highlight how their ongoing work link with TEN-T and urban nodes.

On session 1 “Planning for Sustainable urban mobility and the wider transport network“, Giacomo Lozzi (Roma Tre University) explained the lessons learnt from the VitalNodes project, followed by Dirk Engels (Transport Mobility Leuven) who focused on the SUMI project, stressing the importance on data and affordable and realistic mobility indicators.

On session 2 “Cooperation and coordination among local authorities along TEN-T corridors“, Raffaele Vergnani (POLIS), Charlotta Lundstrom (STRING network), Tommi Vollman (Scandria Alliance), Lucian Zagan (Eurocities) touched the topics on a wider perspective, in order to identify synergies with bridges across different networks acting at corridor and city / regional level.

In the last part of the workshop, an interaction session took place. Thanks to the support of a Miro board, the organisers could gather from the attendees some interesting feedback about some topics and elements to be considered in the future works of the Scan-Med Observatory, clustered under the 5 areas of intervention foreseen: (i) governance coordination & advocacy, (ii) capacity building, (iii) data sharing principles and framework, (iv) exploited blending funding and financing, (v) networking and outreach.

As many cities are in need of developing policy positions that are related to the TEN-T and urban nodes in the upcoming years, this session represented an opportunity to start gathering feedback from local authorities and regions and make it useful as a tool for developing their policy positions. MOVE21 will incorporate this feedback into the Scan-Med Observatory Framework Plan, which will guide the work in the next two years and a half before the project ends and keep it in consideration in view of the Urban Nodes Forum to be organized later in 2023.

The sticky notes collected and reordered under each priority topic, as well as the presentations shown, can be consulted below:

Miro board of the Scan-Med Observatory, Presentations



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