Oslo Living Lab: Innovative Solutions to Reduce Traffic and Climate Emissions

The Oslo Living Lab is exploring how existing infrastructure and transport options can be used more effectively through new hubs, partnerships and business models, all of which will help reduce traffic in urban areas, reduce climate emissions and meet user needs. To achieve this goal partners in the Oslo Living Lab  are in the process of implementing four new measures – two of which we will introduce to you in more detail:

The first measure is focused on Mobility on Demand (MoD) services for people and goods. Oslo Living Lab promotes the efficient transport of goods by using extra capacity in MoD transport services offered to seniors (above the age of 67). The shopping centre CC Vest is among the most popular destination for the service.

“By giving the customers an easy way to get their purchases delivered to their doorstep, we aim to make it unnecessary to bring your car when you go shopping. At the same time, we use the vehicles already in use more efficiently!”
Jan Tore Pedersen, R&D Manager, MIXMOVE

The service is being built upon an existing MoD service for senior citizens that was first piloted in 2017 and has now been made permanent. The city administration and the publicly owned transport company Ruter developed the pilot to increase mobility and well-being in day-to-day life, keeping in line with the goal of Oslo as an age-friendly and environmentally sustainable city. The pilot was entirely financed by the City of Oslo, and the permanent solution is funded over the City Council budget.

The pilot in MOVE21 builds on this service by partnering up with shopping centres and shops to offer to transport goods to their homes via this MoD service. Shops in CC Vest offer to transport goods to customers’ homes via the MoD service for seniors. Goods from the shops are taken to a local freight hub where they are sorted and consolidated for efficient transport home by the minibuses used in the service.

This innovative approach to combining passenger and freight transport has the potential to reduce traffic and make transport more efficient by using existing transport services when they have extra capacity. The augmented MoD for freight is available to all citizens, not only senior citizens.

Another initiative focuses on Mobility as a Service (MaaS). This involves integrating micro-mobility with other transport modules: The City of Oslo has partnered with Urban Sharing through MOVE21 to dive deep into a simplified and resource-efficient MaaS Application Programming Interface (API) that enables more efficient integration between public and private mobility providers. This measure aims to foster policy discussions for smoother collaboration and better relationships between private and public entities

The API enables partnerships between these operators to increase the uptake of multimodal travel and provide improved multimodal solutions to reduce car ownership, congestion and pollution. Urban Sharing plans to pilot this approach with active mobility operators to create integrated and sustainable mobility solutions for European cities.

“By integrating micro mobility with public transport, we can offer the user a seamless multi-modal experience and an easy-to-use solution for the operators. It should be easy to jump from a bus to a city bicycle, all in one app!”
Jasmina Vele, Head of Operations, Urban Sharing



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