The MOVE21 study tour was kicked off with presentations by Vegar Andersen (Political Adviser to the Governing Mayor of the City of Oslo) and Maria Oscott (Head of mobility at Lindholmen Science Park, Gothenburg).
Following breakout sessions addressed in more detail in an interesting discussion between partners, on how to enable innovations in the cities, how to replicate and upscale pilot activities and communicate project results in the best way possible.
The programme included outdoor sessions with site visits to focus areas and test sites:
- CC Vest – Mobility on demand for people and freight. Test site to pilot combining passengers and freight (delivery). An example of governance innovation and sustainable business model
- Filipstad – Goods delivery in the Zero Emission Zone to investigate the possibilities of designing a concentrated area of Oslo where test zero-emission goods delivery is going to be tested. The pilot should be both emissions and traffic reducing. The zone needs to be viable, feasible and attractive for delivery actors, the inhabitants, and the affected businesses alike.
- Furuset senter – Mobility hub network in the district of Grorud. Demo of Viken’s container for multimodal bike parking and services
- Linkholmen –Goods consolidation for parcel lockers
- Nordstan –Focus on micro logistics and emissions-free hubs, with front-end (passenger transport) and back-hand hub (services).
- Klippan – Integration of mobility services in parking app (MaaS – parking&ublic bikes scheme to increase the use of cycling)