The European Technology Platform ALICE will host a virtual breakfast to celebrate International Women’s Day (8th March), showcasing women leading key logistics innovation projects in Europe.
Tiina Ruohonen – City of Oslo and Coordinator of the MOVE21 project will be joined by panellists including Ms. Karen Vancluysen, Secretary-General at POLIS Network, Carolina Cipres – Director for Research at Zaragoza Logistics Centre (MIT-ZLC), Paola Chiarini – Policy Officer at DG MOVE (European Commission) and Georgia Ayfantopoulou – Research Director at the Hellenic Institute of Transport (HIT).
This virtual breakfast aims to present efforts made by women leaders to decarbonise the logistics sector while ensuring competitiveness and improving quality of life, exploring technology and business trends, and looking towards the future of urban freight.
If you wish to join, please get in touch with the organiser Dr Yanying Li, Head of Programmes and Knowledge Management at ALICE.