On Wednesday 15 February, from 10:00 to 12:00 CET – a technical workshop focused on business models for consolidation hubs is organised by Eurocities in the context of the MOVE21 project, in collaboration with SENATOR, LEAD, and the Alliance for Logistics Innovation through collaboration in Europe (ALICE).
Consolidation hubs are intermediate nodes in distribution networks that help optimising delivery processes. What models of consolidation deliver the best results? And which types of hubs help urban nodes in delivering their sustainability objectives? How are (private) operators invested in such hubs and what role do public authorities play in establishing and operating consolidation hubs? How are they funded and what sorts of partnerships are needed to establish or operate consolidation hubs? Are there proven business models that can be scaled up?
All these questions will be addressed by looking at five concrete examples of innovative consolidation hubs tested in European cities like Dublin, Gothenburg, Madrid, Padua, and Stockholm. An interactive panel discussion will conclude the meeting and allow the consolidation of relevant knowledge questions and specific findings.
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Click below to see the latest version of the agenda and concept of the event.